Hi! Welcome to my page! My name is Andreia, and I’ve been a long-term sufferer of health ailments such as hay fever, eczema, low energy, low moods and anxiety/depression. Growing up in Portugal and now living in the UK, I was often recommended inefficient and ineffective Western medicine that heavily relied on pharmaceutical therapies to treat health issues.

Over the last decade, after having been introduced and treated by a few TCM masters and to my Chinese parents’ delight, I became more and more curious about getting to the bottom of how these ailments occur, and how to fix them / cure them from their roots. I eventually started practicing Acupuncture, Qigong, drinking Chinese herbal medicine, and tracking my health as I went along. And gradually, my health improved, I no longer suffer from uncontrollable allergies, and my mental health improved greatly also, and these days I feel great, physically and mentally!

I realised there are other people in the Western world who may be in the same path I was a few years ago, and are perhaps curious about how to look at health in more holistic and long-lasting ways than the conventional and short-term pills and chemicals.

With this blog, I’m excited to share with you my journey, my learnings, and my knowledge accumulated over the years that hopefully you will find useful, in improving your own health naturally, in holistic and long-lasting ways.

I hope you enjoy my blog. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me 🙂

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